Sea + Rail/Rail + Sea
Sea + Rail (Destination Caucasus and Central Asia)
Container + Rail
Cargo, loaded into container at the origin, is transhipped through Georgia ports of Poti and Batumi, discharged from container, reloaded into appropriate railcar and carried to final destination. This service is available to all destinations where we have rail transport service.
Bulk sea vessel + Rail
Cargo, loaded into bulk sea vessel at the origin, is transhipped through Georgia ports of Poti and Batumi, discharged from Sea vessel, reloaded into appropriate railcar and carried to final destination. This service is available to all destinations where we have rail transport service.

Rail + Sea (Origin Caucasus and Central Asia)
Cargo, loaded into railcars at the origin, is transshipped through Georgia ports of Poti and Batumi, discharged from railcars, reloaded into containers and carried to final destination. This service is available from all origins where we have rail transport service to all destinations where we have sea transport service.
Rail+Bulk sea vessel
Cargo, loaded into railcars at the origin, is transshipped through Georgia ports of Poti and Batumi, discharged from railcars, reloaded into Bulk sea vessel and carried to final destination. This service is available from all origins where we have rail transport service to all destinations where we have sea transport service.